Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement


HRN isa 30.15Those Trying Times

Trials and hardships are a part of life.  Each of us experiences them.  Often they arrive without warning and leave us feeling helpless and out of control.

God uses every trial to draw us into a greater dependency upon HIM.  But in order to really know Christ, we must first learn to be absolutely still before Him, even in the midst of troubled times.  For when the Lord is the anchor of our soul then we learn it’s always best to wait upon Him!  Remember, “Peace” is not the absence of adversity or trouble; it is the presence of Jesus in the midst of our situation!  It’s then we find that He is very faithful to give needed strength to overcome any problems in life, both great and small!

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…( Isaiah 30:15) 

Maybe the road of life seems pretty smooth right now, but hang on tight for sooner or later you will hit a big rut and find yourself at your wits end!  When it happens just remember…Draw close to Jesus—He will calm the winds of adversity in your life!  Keep looking to HIM!

~ Healing Rain to the Nations

HRN open arms
Run to His Heart

Written by: Sandy Blaser, HRN

Yes, we know in our hearts that our Heavenly Father knows, hears, sees and cares.  And yes God loves and He faithfully answers prayer. We believe His Word is TRUTH and trust His every promise will be fulfilled. BUT… what if the answer to your cries is “WAIT”??!!  Hummm….Now that’s another story!   “Waiting’ is never easy!  In fact it seems to go against the grain of all mankind!  But believe it or not, when God hit’s the ‘pause’ button, it’s for our own benefit! That also means He is doing something behind the scene that will be well worth the wait.  So, how do you handle waiting upon God’s perfect timetable?

Here’s to the one who is waiting …. If you listen closely for that still small inner voice, you will hear the Lord softly beckoning you to draw closer…..”Run to His heart”!

When God says “Wait” this is a time to really seek His face and take that opportunity to express your dedication, your love and your trust in Him…even when you haven’t seen the answer to your prayers!  This kind of communication with God is building a deeper relationship with Him.

Remember, God loves and honors a surrendered heart.  Just as an earthly Daddy, Our Heavenly Father longs to talk and to share with His children and be a part of their lives.  So, find that quiet place away from anything that’s distracting.  Grab a pen & paper and your Bible and maybe some soft Christian music and find that quiet place where you wait silently upon Him.  His Word says…”Seek Me, You WILL find Me, when you seek me with ALL YOUR heart”.  And it’s there in that secret place; God will begin lavishing His love upon you.  It’s then you will begin to hear that soft but mighty, gentle but powerful, still, small voice of God!!

As the Lord gently draws you into His presence; your spirit will began to soar to new heights as you connect with the very heartbeat of your Heavenly Father.  And it’s there, your Faith is built and  you begin finding the real answers to LIFE!!

God is waiting with open arm’s….RUN to His Heart!!

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

(Jeremiah 29:13)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3)

HRN prov3.5-6

Do You Trust Him??

written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

Have you ever prayed and feel as if your prayers are just hittin’ the ceiling?  Do you feel that God has somehow forgotten?  Do you ever worry, fret or wonder if God really does care?  Have you ever tried to help God out—by giving a little nudge?  Then this is for you…

Our God is Sovereign…Yet He is so personal and loving.  With a powerful voice, God spoke everything into being!  ALL things HE created both great and small, ALL things belong to HIM!  And yes, He’s even chosen YOU and created you in the deep dark recesses.  He even knew you by name before you ever took you first breath!  Wow, He really does care deeply about you, so how could He ever forget you??!!

You see, nothing is hidden from God.  He is all-knowing….He knows everything about your life, both good and not so good, yet His amazing love for you is perfect and complete.  God is infinitely wise.  So next time you are tempted to worry and fret, keep in mind, God is already very familiar with your situation.  Yes, He is a “miracle working” God, but there will be those time’s when His answer to your cries is simply “Wait”!  But believe it or not, sometimes it’s for our own benefit that we must to wait to see the manifestation of our prayers.  But, you can rest assured of this…God desires His best for you!  And when His answer comes, it surely will be worth it all!

So, I ask you…Do you really trust Him… Or are you a “Worry-Wart”??

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

May you be encouraged by this beautiful song…..

“Trust In You”- Lauren Daigle (Lyrics)

Gods working

Don’t Ever Give up!!

Don’t ever give up, God never gives up on YOU!  His plans are perfect and you can rest assured He is doing something good behind the scene!  God knows your name, your nature, and your every need!  And you can trust that God’s every promise will be fulfilled…in His time!

Remember, It’s during this trial, the Lord is molding, shaping, fine tuning you according to His Heavenly purpose for your life!  And believe it or not, God has everything under control.  But as you wait upon Him, think upon this… Our Heavenly Father is searching the earth for hearts that are hungry, thirsty, and desperate for Him, seeking for a place where His glory may reside?!!  He’s longing to share the good times and the bad times with His children.  Just as an earthly Daddy, He desires to laugh with you, to hold & encourage you and listen to life’s hurts & disappointments and wipe tears when you cry.  God wants to listen to your hopes & dreams, and deeply cares about everything that touches your life!  He desires to give you the best instruction and reveal wonderful things to you.  So the next time you get to feeling down and think about giving up…Run quickly to your Heavenly Father’s arms!

 Make and early morning appointment with God….

Let the first steps of your day lead you into that secret “Sanctuary”.   Maybe it’s a big old easy chair in a quiet place or maybe it’s walking in nature.  Wherever your quiet place is…Enter in with a heart of worship, expressing your dedication, your love and your trust in God to meet your every need…then silently wait for His still small voice. (I keep a pen and paper handy and write down what I hear so I can remember it later) I have found….”Life” is so much easier when we take the time to know the very Heart of our Heavenly Father!!

So don’t give up…RUN to the Heart of your Father…Just one word from God, one touch from our Savior, can transform a life forever!

…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

HRN faithful

HE Remains Faithful

Written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

Do you feel as if your prayers are never answered?  Are you finding yourself in a waiting mode?  When hard times come, do you really trust in The Lord?

First of all, it’s important to realize just how much God loves you.  To discover His love, the journey takes you to the foot of the old rugged Cross.  For there a high price was paid for YOU!  You are His most prized possession and HE holds you ever so close to His heart.  Therefore, we can know He desires what’s best for His Children and yes, we can even trust Him to be on time!!  For when we have accepted that Love and live a “surrendered life”, then surely we know we can trust Him with the answers to our desperate cries.

Do you realize that God gives immediate responses to your prayers?  Sometimes we see the Lord’s answer right away and even though we don’t like it, sometimes the Lord’s answer is “wait”!  Now I do admit, waiting does stretch our faith just a tad.  But do you know the “waiting period” is really for our own good!  It’s during that time when God is building our faith and when we develop a simple child-like trust in Him.  I have found the waiting is well worth it, for sometimes to my surprise, God’s answer is much greater than anything I ever anticipated.

Then, that means when we face difficulties in life, we should never spend useless time worrying and fretting over an uncontrollable circumstance.  For to do so, brings on more pain and sorrow, making life absolutely miserable for ourselves and others around us. And actually, this is a form of manipulating God, which can be a very dangerous thing!   So instead, when trials come let us be quick to grab our Bible, look up scriptures that are dear to our heart and meditate upon God’s promises and His faithfulness to us.  This is an act of Trust and that’s when we can begin thanking Him for His perfect outcome.

Here’s a good scripture to remind us that we can Trust our Lord in ALL things… “Even if we are unfaithful, HE remains faithful, For HE cannot deny who HE is.”  (2 Tim 2:13)

Yes, God loves us deeply and has our best at heart!  Therefore, we can rest assured that His plans and His timing are ever so perfect!  And just at that chosen moment when He decides it’s time for it all to come together, no devil in hell or man on earth can keep us from what our God desires for us!  As for me, I am just so thankful that God doesn’t always give me what I ask for!!

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. (Psalm 25:1) Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:10) I will say of the Lord, “He is My Refuge and My Fortress, My God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2) Therefore…Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to YOU I entrust my life. (Psalm 143:8)

HRN Snowy Morning



“Be still & know that I Am God”

written by Sandy Blaser, HRN

Those words are ever so dear to my heart….

When I was very sick in bed in Texas, I got a call from Missouri that my Mother had broken her hip. Due to an illness I was unable to travel, so my precious family in Missouri stood in for me. But yet my ole heart was so broken that I could not be there for for my Mom at such a time as this. I was so weak, there was nothing I could do.  So as I lay on my bed, I grabbed my Bible for reassurance and began crying out to my Lord.  And there in the midst of all my fretting I heard these words spoken very clearly…”Be still & know that I am God”!!

Suddenly my room was bathed in such peace and comfort. I felt as if someone had just covered me with a soft, warm blanket, just like my Momma used to do when I was sick. And there wrapped in God’s love,  I began to simply trust in Him, releasing my sweet Mother into His hands.

My Momma came through surgery & recovery beautifully, for the Lord was in the midst of it all!  Later I was able to make the flight to Missouri and be by her side as she went though months of Therapy.  During all of Mom’s Therapy Sessions, she had so much jOy!  And I shall never forget how she ended every exercise saying…”One more for the Lord”!!

~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

Isaiah 26.3-4

“Perfect Peace”

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

 NO, God has not forgotten you!!   Regardless of how bleak you situation may seem right now, rest assured, the Lord has a dynamic plan!!!  Just sometimes with our human eye we can’t “see” His hand moving.  That’s when we must keep in mind; God’s ways are not always our ways and He doesn’t work on a time-clock!

I find the above scripture mighty powerful!  As we wait upon the Lord, it’s so important to not allow discouragement to creep in.  One must be quick to remember… Worry solves absolutely nothing!!!  And stinkin’ thinkin’ gets us in a whole lot of trouble!! But if we discipline ourselves by guarding our hearts and keeping our minds steadfast on HIM, then that allows God to work on our behalf.

So if you are in a waiting mode, it’s so important to continue seeking His face on the subject & walking in submission to His perfect will.  And in the midst of it all, you are going to find the Lord is very faithful to His Word.  As you rest in HIS promises and wait upon His perfect timing, He will begin revealing Himself in a dynamic way.  And there as you wait in His presence, you will begin to experience times of refreshing.  It’s amazing… one can be so exhausted and weary of the struggle of it all, but when you have touched the heart of your Heavenly Father, HIS Peace overcomes you & all those problems just ‘seem’ to fade away!!!

May you forever know in your heart that you are very important to the Lord & he is always working on your behalf behind the scenes!!

As you continue reading my posting on HRN, I’m asking the Lord to reveal Himself to you and may you be anchored firm and deep in HIS marvelous Love!!!  God Bless your journey with HIM!!

Now…click on video below and sing this beautiful old song with all your might!!!

~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

Peace Peace Wonderful Peace…The Gaither’s Homecoming