His Love Endures Forever
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him a new song, tell of all his wonderful acts. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders Christ has done in your life…Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever! (1 Chronicles 16)
As we approach the Holiday season, I pray you will take time to give all Glory, Honor and Thanks unto the Lord! Here’s why—he loves you more than you could ever imagine. And you have his promise….His faithfulness and love for you will never end!
So no matter how you’re feeling or whatever situation you are up against, come on and lift those hands giving thanks to God for His marvelous blessing’s and loving kindness, for His miracles of Mercy and Grace and especially for your freedom of Salvation!! Whether you are celebrating with Family or Friends, don’t ever be ashamed to give thanks unto the Lord and always be quick to encourage other’s and testify of God’s goodness. You may just shine a ray of hope into someone’s darkness.
I encourage you to always be prepared in season and out of season…Pray, Feast upon God’s Word and Freely Lavish your praises upon Christ Our Lord! And oh yes…Sing a new song!!
“Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16)
Keep standing in His Love!! ~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Chris Tomlin “Forever”
Arise O Lord
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Dear Friends,
What we see and hear on the World News can be mighty disturbing at times. But we have the assurance that our Heavenly Father is in control!!!
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it’s waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging…There is a River whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy place where the Almighty dwells….Yes, Nations will uproar, kingdoms will fall;…but the Lord Almighty is with us!
Therefore, let us remember as we hear all the discouraging reports…the Battle belongs to the Lord!
”Arise O Lord and let your enemies be scattered”!!! (Numbers 10:35)
It is very plain to see, we are in a desperate need of a move of God in our Nation! So as the Children of the Most High God, with a strong determination to overcome, let us lift our voices with a SHOUT…”Come Lord, Set our hearts afire! Come and do what only YOU can do…We need a move of God!!
Listen to this powerful song below…
~San, Healing Rain to the Nations
”This is a Move” – Brandon Lake and Tasha Cobbs Leonard
Grateful Heart
~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Good Morning to all You Good Folk!!
As you step into this beautiful new day I pray you also have a song on your heart!
No matter what I face or how I feel, I love waking up each morning with a song of Praise going through my mind. You see…all my Hope, my Joy, my Strength is only found in Jesus. “HE is Life”!
Over the years this scripture has become a cry of my heart:
“Oh Lord, for You…I am so grateful…Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing Love, that I may sing for joy and be glad all of my days! (Psalms 90:14)
As I set here in my big ole easy chair, sipping my morning coffee, here is the song of my heart this morning….(Listen to this beautiful song below) What song are you singing??
~San, Healing Rain to the Nations
Grateful – Elevation Worship (Lyrics)
Faith Exercised
written by ~ Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Faith is like a muscle, it must be exercised to grow! The body’s Vital Organs and Skeletal System are protected by muscles. But, by not taking action and failing to exercise leaves one in a weakened condition, rendered helpless and vulnerable to accident & disease.
The same applies to your Faith! Yes the Word says…”Faith as small as a Mustard seed”, but remember… When that Faith is NOT exercised it leaves you exposed in a weakened condition, defenseless and susceptible to the attacks of the enemy!
So be aware…”The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”! As the devil stalks, he is looking for “the weak in Faith”! The Word says…”Resist the enemy & HE shall flee”, but without exercised faith, you are in a weakened condition and no match for the enemy!
Resistance is found through exercised Faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is exercised on a daily basis and strengthened through “Prayer, Worship & The Word”. You see, the Lord desires that you really know HIM! Listen—HE is calling…“Draw near to ME and I will draw nearer to you.” And as you yield to the beckoning of HIS still small voice…tarry there. And there in HIS presence ‘talk to HIM and Listen’…As you will begin experiencing HIS ever abiding love, your Faith will soar to new heights!
An example of this kind of faith is Abraham…He spent time with the Lord. He did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:19-22)
The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen your (faith) and protect you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3) Just as Abraham, may you come to recognize the significance of exercising your faith…by spending time at His feet! For it is there our faith is strengthened and we are equipped for the battle! Keep in mind…The Lord does not force Himself upon anyone…it is a free choice. As for me… “Christ” has become an absolute necessity in my life!!
Pray, Wait, Trust…”Dear Lord, Help me to exercise the Faith that I have been given so that I will grow stronger each day.”
Be blessed by this beautiful song….
Shane & Shane: I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130)
God’s Point of View
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
One of the most awesome moments was when I was flying into Portland on a beautiful clear, sunny day. The Pilot announced that it was the clearest he has ever flown. All along the flight He proceeded to point out snow covered mountain’s peaks to the north and to the south. Wow, so amazing! This began to trigger my brain to thinking of how God view’s my own life….
Did you know God has an omniscient, omnipotent view of our lives as believers! Nothing is hidden, He sees all, He knows all! He is aware of every detail of our lives from birth (even before we were conceived) until death! Since God knows every detail of our past, our present and our future so very well, surely I should rely upon Him in every event in my life! Surely without a doubt I can fully trust Him with every moment of my life.
God is an all-seeing, all-knowing God and we can rely upon His strength and wisdom as we face life’s challenges and obstacles! Wow, that means we are not limited by our own strength and wisdom…Thank you Lord!! The Lord has given us the scriptures to help us in making wise decisions from His viewpoint. When we are hemmed in by our circumstances and can’t see from all the fog, we can seek God prayerfully and regularly spend time in His Word which will enables us to break thorough the barriers of life with His insight!!
So rejoice my Friend…even tho sometimes it may feel you are all alone….God knows every detail of your life, He cares and He Loves you with an everlasting Love!! What may seem like an ordinary event or even a disaster in your life…rest assured, God will use all the good and not so good for His Divine Purpose! Trust Him, He will make something beautiful out of your life!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The McKamey’s – Shepherd’s Point Of View
Experiencing God
written by: San, Healing Rain to the Nations
What magnificent beauty our God has created for us to enjoy!!! Pause for just a moment….See the beautiful formation of the clouds as they drift over the jagged Coastal shoreline. See the glistening of sun-rays dancing across the white capped waves. Feel the foaming waves of cool water washing over your feet, as treasures of the deep are washed ashore. Feel the sand between your toes & a cool gentle breeze blowing through your hair! Now listen closely…hear the roaring of the waves & the cry of Seagulls!! You have just experienced HIM!! The whole earth is filled with HIS Magnificent GLORY & Beauty!!
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. (Psalm 65:8)
Just outside your door awaits a world of beauty. Take a leisurely walk and enjoy the morning sunshine or maybe a moonlight stroll in the evening dew. Take note of what you see, hear and feel as God begins revealing Himself through nature. Clear your mind and set your thoughts toward Heaven! Relax, fill your heart with song as you rest in His presence. Take time to experience the JOY & the WONDER of knowing HIM!!
Depending upon where you are at in this big beautiful world…”Good Day/Good Night my Friends”!
Chris Tomlin ~ I Stand In Awe (Lyrics) ft. Nicole Serrano
Don’t give up!!
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
God knows your name, your nature, and your need today! But, the Father is searching the earth for hearts that are hungry, thirsty, and desperate for Him, seeking for a place where His glory may reside. Therefore, I encourage you; let the first steps of your day lead you into your “Sanctuary”. Enter in with a heart of worship and tarry there. Take the time to listen, to ask, to seek, to knock and to know, the heart of our Lord.
So no matter how discouraged you may get…Never give up!! Remember, just one word from God, one touch from our Savior, can transform a life forever!
…Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
Listen to this beautiful song of surrender…..
Here’s My Heart – David Crowder – Passion 2013
Renew Me Lord
written by: Healing Rain to the Nations
O Lord, according to your unfailing love and great compassion, blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. ….. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your Salvation and grant me with a willing spirit to sustain me. (Psalm 51)
As you listen to this beautiful song…..I pray this is your heart’s deep cry….. ~San, HRN
Create In Me A Clean Heart – Keith Green
The Lifter of My Head
written by: Healing Rain to the Nations
O God, I look to You!! “I lift up my eyes to You, to You who sits enthroned in Heaven.” (Psalm 123:1)
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He will not let my foot slip—He who watches over me will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over me—the Lord is the shade at my right hand; the sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep me from all harm—He will watch over my life; the Lord will watch over my coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121)
My Father, only You sustain me! You are my Shield, My Glory, The Lifter of my Head!! Bless Your Holy Name!!
Lifter of my Head (based on Psalm 3)
Send Your Spirit Lord
Zechariah 4:6
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Let the church of the Living God Arise with healing in Her Wings!!! O Lord, stir up and awaken the Spirit within your people! Set our hearts a blaze, radiating Your love and power as a shining Beacon of Light into this darken world! Let your fresh oil and new wine flow over our lives!
For such a time a this…May we arise with courage and boldness as instruments of power, covered by your Divine Grace! Equipped with your Gospel, as chosen Mighty Warriors of the Cross, let us arise, radiantly displaying Your Splendor and Glory! And as we march forth into this land, we ask for Your Holy protection. Prevent any human power from extinguishing The Light and The Truth from going forth!! For nothing is too hard or impossible for those who come in the Mighty Name of JESUS!!
Lord we are in desperate need of You, for we realize it’s…Not by might, Not by Power, but by the spirit of the Lord!! (Zechariah 4:6) Therefore we will not be ruled by fear, but place our faith and trust in our Holy, Righteous God! Lord go before us removing the mountains, melting our enemies like wax, making our way smooth and straight! As we boldly arise to our rightful place, Spirit of the Living God breathe on us….equipping and empower us as Mighty Warriors of the Cross, bringing forth the Light of Divine Revelation to the heart, mind and soul of all men!!! Let us arise with a Holy boldness, ready to shine the love of Christ and speak the Living Words of Truth and Freedom!! O Lord, in awe of You we boldly take our stand, ready to do Thy Will ,…,,Not by might, not by power, Send Your Spirit O Lord!!
My Child, Believe and trust in Me, I have called you out of the darkness into the light …
Walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7)
All for the Glory & Honor to JESUS CHIRST our KING! To Him be glorified!! (Be blessed by this beautiful worship song below) ~San, Healing Rain to the Nations