Monthly Archives: December 2012
Experiencing Deep Love
written by:Sandy Blaser, HRN
Over the past years I have had some very agonizing moments that just shattered my dreams to splinters. If I would have chosen to focus on those issues, I really believe I would not be alive this very moment.
As I lay crushed beneath satan’s deadly blow, I began hearing the gentle beckoning of my Saviors voice, calling me to come deeper with Him. As He drew me to His side, the world and all its cares seem to melt away. My Lord began pouring His liquid love over my deep bleeding wounds of sorrow, brokenness, pain & despair. With time, there in His healing presence I began finding release, forgiveness and restoration.
As I felt Him gently raising me up in His healing hands, I began sensing His comforting peace & His strength upholding me, enabling me to stand steadfast in Faith once again!! Then suddenly I began experiencing my joy being restored beyond all measure! And from deep within my spirit cries out…”Oh God, may this trial somehow bring Glory unto You”!
Now as I pause and look back over the deep dark chasm the Lord rescued me from, my spirit rejoices! It is there in the valley I found a powerful love that has enabled me to arise to new heights! As I stand tall on mountains of faith, I can now look beyond the peaks and the valleys into the land of promise that lies before me!
I find this journey toward Home is filled with many mountains & valleys. But no matter how rough or smooth the path may be, I will continue to shout it loud and clear, “Through Christ alone I am a victorious Over-comer”!! Oh yes, this world may be very cruel at times and no one likes to go through trials & temptations, be we have the assurance, we do not travel this way alone! So, not ‘if’ but ‘when’ there is a storm on your horizon, I pray you will quickly run to the arms of Jesus as you hear Him calling…”Come Deeper”!! For deep is His love for you!!!
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
~Sandy, Healing Rain for the Nations
I Look to You – Selah
Written by Sandy Blaser, HRN
It’s true that sometimes when trials fill our days and we’re faced with difficulties in life, we just plain don’t feel like rejoicing. But God did not say our days on earth would be trouble free. In fact I guess trials are a certainty since that’s the way the Lord refines us! But we must also remember…the Lord knows how much we can bear and has our best at heart.
If our joy is found in money, people or things, then life becomes like a yoyo! And that is a direct invitation for the devil to toil with you!! Real joy can only be found in Christ our Lord! Real JOY is…knowing that HE promises to never leave you nor forsake me…knowing that HE is your Sustainer, Provider, Protector…knowing He is always taking care of you in ways that are unimaginable! My greatest peace & joy are found in Jesus my Savior, knowing that my future is in HIS hands.
… “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20
“Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. Luke 6:23
O-f The Lord shall continually and forever be
Y-our strength
Under His Wing
Written by :Sandy Blaser, HRN
He will cover me with His feathers, and under His wing I will find refuge! Even in the midst of a ragging sea, even when torrential rain is lashing down upon me, even when the heavy pressures of this world is pushing me to my knees, yet will I boldly stand on my Gods promises and worship Him alone!! My faith and trust in my Savior has been tried & tested and cannot be shaken! For He is ever so faithful to keep my feet on solid ground, even when all else is crumbling around me! So I wait in complete dependence and trust in Him, knowing that I was created with a divine purpose and all my tomorrows are in His hands!
“Abide in the shadow of His wings”. (Ps 91:1)
He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection (Psalm 91:4)
Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Psalm 91
As we approach the Christmas Holiday’s…
Sometimes the woe’s of this old world can leave one feeling sad, depressed, worthless, lonely and unloved with a sense of hopelessness! But let us be quick to recognize it for what it is…a direct attack of the enemy! Remember, we have to be on guard, for the enemy is no respecter of persons and will flood your mind with negative feelings, emotions and thoughts that can quickly send you into a downward spiral!
Seems as we’re approaching the Holiday season the evil one has stepped up his forces to bring Gods Children to low point where it’s hard to rejoice! If you are dealing with an attack of sadness & hopelessness, it’s important to not hide it. Share it with a trusted praying friend & stand together upholding one another in prayer! It always helps to know that someone else is crying out your name before the Lord!
And in the midst of all your holiday busyness, I also encourage you to take some quiet time to reflect upon the goodness & faithfulness of our Lord. But don’t go to Him with a list, but with purpose…to wait…to worship…to listen! And there in the quietness of His presence may you find your soul flooded with the comforting love of our Heavenly Father. You will find His perfect love brings a ray of hope into a bleak situation, Joy into a broken heart, peace & rest into a weary soul.
As we approach this Christmas Season, may your heart and your home be filled with Gods unconditional love. And may you also make time to reach out and bring the light of Christ into someone else’s world! From my heart to yours…”Wishing you a beautiful Christmas to remember”!!
I lift up my eyes to the hills–where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.(Psalm 121:1-2)
~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations