Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement

HRN christmas GiftsUnwrapping Your Gifts!

Written by:  Sandy Blaser, HRN

God has given each person spiritual gifts & talents which He desires be used for His Glory.  But we oftentimes fail to acknowledge that we have anything to contribute.  Or we may even doubt what talents we do have, could ever be useful!  So, sadly, we just tend to bury our gifting and our talents!

So this Christmas Season, I am praying for you to begin realizing what God has entrusted in you!!  May you come to understand HE has created you and equipped you for a unique purpose!

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

May you become keenly aware just how important you are as an individual, to the Body of Christ!  For when you were knitted fiber by fiber in your Mother’s womb, God already had divine plans for your life!  He has chosen you for the purpose to do good works with Him!

But first God needs to prepare you like a Daddy lovingly prepares His Child for the future.  Therefore the very first steps in fulfilling your calling is…Getting to know your Heavenly Father.  Through spending time at HIS feet and in HIS Word and in prayer, you come to develop a child like trust and HE also knows He can trust YOU.

As you seek His guidance and direction in fulfilling His Will for your life, your faith begins to grow to higher heights, developing a strong relationship.   Therefore, I encourage you to spend time in Worship, begin asking the Lord to open your spiritual eyes and ears.  Begin listening for His still small voice that will direct you in every way.  Then surrender yourself into His hands, making yourself available as a Servant of the Lord!

Then next…Look for the Lord to open doors you never dreamed would open.  Then step through them with unshakable Faith,  knowing who you are in Christ and knowing that He loves you and has called you for such a time as this!

As you walk this journey of life in obedient unto Him, you will find…The rewards are out of this world!!!

To help you understand your gifts/talents & suggestions on how they can be useful in building the Kingdom of God, you may talk with your Pastor or you will find several Internet websites that have a “Spiritual Gifts Test”.

I pray this will be a special Christmas to remember as you begin unwrapping the gifts & talents that God has instilled in you!  Don’t be afraid, but be secure in knowing, whatever the Lord puts on your heart, he will equip you to do!

…”Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

Wishing all HRN friends a beautiful Christmas to Remember!

~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations