Silence Your Enemy
Written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Do you think that by being a “Christian” means the devil will leave you alone?? Oh how I wish were so, but actually the very opposite is the truth! In fact, the enemy is on a mission to kill God’s children, to steal you from the Lord and eventually destroy you!
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
You see, before you accepted Christ you were no threat to the devil! But now that you are a Born-again Believer, you intimidate the enemy and he’s coming after you with full force! His number one target is your “mind”. When one accepts the gift of Salvation, almost immediately the enemy commences whispering negativity and lies, such as “you will never make it”, “you will never be good enough”…etc.etc. Thus, an intense battle of the mind begins!! But remember, the battle belongs to the Lord & Victory is ours!!
The danger is, when those lies are allowed to linger in your mind, you begin feeling insecure, worthless and making one doubt their experience with the Lord and eventually run from those who have greatly influenced your life in a positive way. But remember, this doesn’t just happen to “new” Christians. These mind games tend to happen no matter how long you have been walking with the Lord. Do you know that your adversary knows all your weaknesses and is immediately ready to jab at the mind anytime you let your guard down?
But we as “Christians” have every reason to live a victorious life. Not because of who we are but because of —“Jesus Christ” who lives within our hearts! God has already equipped us with the proper weapons to do battle. In fact scriptures say, the Word is sharper than a doubled-edged sword!! Yes, the Word of God is powerful in rendering the enemy helpless, but just as any Soldier in battle, we must be familiar with our weapons and be on guard at all times!
You see…our adversary is smart and sly as a fox! His ultimate goal is to slightly twist the Truth, entice you to compromise your morals, principles and lose hope, which can eventually lead to the road of devastation. This is why it’s so very important to turn off the TV, get away from the Computer, lay down the cell phone and spend some time in the presence of our Lord. As we renew our minds in God’s Word and commit ourselves to knowing Him, loving Him and living for Him, then we begin viewing life from God’s perspective. The Lord’s voice becomes clearer as HE begins revealing areas of your life where the enemy has access to your mind. And yes, there may be some doors that need to be slammed shut. But just remember, if one has a willing heart to choose purity over evil, truth over lies of the enemy, then the Lord is always faithful to give you the strength to and grace to do so!
Yes I admit, even I have to examine my own thoughts and ask myself whose voice am I listening to. Is what I’m hearing negative or positive, encourage me or destroy my spirit? I have learned this… quickly rebuke negative thoughts and DO NOT allow them to linger! The devil is persistent and sometimes does not back off immediately. Sometimes I think he is hard of hearing! But I let my faith arise and let him know I really mean business by boldly speaking Truth out loud and then sing a song of praise! This approach is very effective and enables me to take captive my thoughts, snuffing out the lies of the enemy.
So as a Solider of the Cross, God has equipped us with The Bible, Prayer & Praise/Worship. This dynamic weaponry is used to effectively silence the lies and demolish the strongholds of our enemy! These powerful weapons are available to all who are truly HIS!! So, even as the battle rages on, sweet victory can be yours!
For sure, your adversary is always lingering nearby…So, pick your weapons Solider & start fighting! Silence your enemy!!
~Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
…”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)