Beautiful People
Written by: Sandy Blaser, HRN
Some of the most beautiful people I have ever known and admired, are those who have experienced the agony of defeat, familiar with deep pain & the misery of suffering, exhausted from day to day struggles of financial pressure, heartbroken from loss of loved ones & shattered dreams, and yet have somehow found their way out of the depths of despair & the ghetto’s of loneliness.
Yet these people seem to have such an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with such beautiful compassion, gentleness, and a deep concerning love? How can this be?? I have found they each have one common-denominator …a true relationship with ”Jesus Christ”!
I too have learned, in all situations, the only way to become a Victorious Over-comer is through Christ alone! Only in submission unto HIM have I found unshakable faith that enables me to put Gods’ Word & Promises into everyday practice!! Only thorough HIM, can I love, laugh & trust again!
Therefore, no matter how difficult your circumstances, I challenge you to bow on your knees before your Creator. For at His feet is where you will be transformed into His likeness. Yes, you may not even see anything positive in your situation. But rest assured, when a heart is laid open before Him, He WILL enable you to arise with hope and a strong conquering faith! If only you will submit your will and allow Jesus to make something beautiful out of the hurt and pain that the enemy has meant for harm! And remember…Beautiful Christian people do not just happen!!