Monthly Archives: January 2013
The Promise
by Sandy Blaser, HRN
This Promise was given to me by the Lord at a time of desperation, fear and brokenness! Yes, I actually heard His still small voice speak! At that moment my life was changed …forever! I began on a journey that has literally transformed me!
Over the years I have learned that when a promise is given, one must guard that promise, stand on it and cling to it with all my might! For believe me, when a promise is given, the enemy quickly tries to rip it out of your heart! But as I stood on this promise, I watched my life continue on a rapid downward spiral! I found myself at a point of helplessness as others became my hands and my feet. Life as I knew it, faded away! Yet, I clung to the “Promise” and to the “Promise Keeper”!
Over the years God has proven His Word is powerful and His promises are true! He has faithfully walked with me through many a fire and He’s been there through all the ragging storms! Even as I speak, my Lord continues to hide me in the Shadow of His Wings… And covers me there within His mighty hand! Yes, there are still many things in life I do not understand, but in Christ alone I place my trust! As He continues to lead me on this journey Home, there in His loving presence I find quietness & rest, comfort & peace, faith & hope, healing & restoration! All Glory to the magnificent name of “JESUS”!!
I Heard a Voice say “Isaiah 43″
This is my promise the Lord spoke to me in 1991 as I lay prostrate before him…He instructed me to cling to these words with all my might! Even though I did not understand why things were happening the way they were, I learned to never let go of the promise!! I also learned to never go on what is seen, but what is “unseen” and when all else is said & done…Be still and know that HE is GOD!!!
My Promise…”Isaiah 43″ (NIV)
But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;… (continue on through verse 13) I greatly encourage you to grab your Bible and read this scripture for yourself!!!
This song “The Promise” by the Martins says it all….
~ Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations (see “Sandy’s Testimony” on this website)
Makes all things possible!
As the dark storm clouds gather on the horizon it can leave one cold, anxious and lost in fear! I have found that it is a MUST to guard my mind and discipline myself to quickly run to that place of refuge and safety! For only there do I find courage & hope for the situation. There in the in the arms of Jesus I find my spirit renewed, even though the storm winds continue to howl & waves come crashing all around me! It is there my soul finds comfort, peace and strength to carry on, even in the midst of the wilds of this old world!
For Christ is my Guiding Light, my Eternal hope of Glory! Resting in Him enables my faith to soar to new heights! Then no matter how crazy my situation seems I began to rest in His quietness! As I place my concerns into His powerful hands, then suddenly, what looked impossible, somehow seems very promising! And then all of a sudden the dark storm clouds began to give way to bright rays of sunlight & hope!
This beautiful old song my Dottie Rambo pretty well explains it….~ San, HRN
For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.
Sheltered in the Arms of God
(lyrics are written by Dottie Rambo)
I feel the touch of hands so kind and gentle,
They’re leading me in paths that I must trod;
I have no fear when Jesus walks beside me,
For I’m sheltered in the arms of God.
So let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise,
They won’t worry me for I’m sheltered safe within the arms of God;
He walks with me and naught of Earth can harm me,
Sheltered safe within the arms of God.
Soon I shall hear the call from Heaven’s portals,
Come home my child, it’s the last mile you must trod;
I’ll fall asleep and wake in God’s new Heaven,
Sheltered safe within the arms of God.
So let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise,
They won’t worry me for I’m sheltered safe within the arms of God;
He walks with and naught of Earth can harm me,
Sheltered safe within the arms of God.
Sheltered safe within the arms of God!
Dottie Rambo wrote many beautiful Christian songs! Be blest!!!
♥Everlasting Love♥
♥♥♥Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
Simply put… love God with all that you are!! It may be hard for you to comprehend, but you are loved more than you can possibly imagine!! You were chosen and a high price has been paid for your life!!! Yes, “real love” can still be found! Run to the heart of Jesus, He is waiting with open arms!!! There you will find a genuine, unfailing love that is from everlasting to everlasting!! ♥♥♥ ~ San, Healing Rain to the Nations,
Walking Worthy
written by: Sandy Blaser
For this is what the word of the Lord says…“Fear your God, walk in obedience to Him, love Him, and serve the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength! Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days! For I am the Light of the World, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
The absence of light can make the journey through obstacles kind of unpleasant! It can be challenging, scary and even detrimental to our health to walk in pitch darkness in places you have never been before! Fear can overpower you as you try to feel your way through the darkness, stubbing your toes & bumping into things. That’s the way it is when we walk this earth without the Lord! When we try to do things without the help of our Creator, we walk through life blindly, stumbling & falling. In darkness we fail to see the warning signs and find ourselves taking a wrong turn, which can be mighty dangerous!
The Bible says…”But for those who choose to walk in the light of the Living God, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. For…if we walk in the light, as He is in the Light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, purifies us from all sin”!
Therefore I urge you, my Brothers & Sisters to walk in the light of His love. Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and our Supreme Sacrifice to God, let us walk worthy in obedience before the Lord! May our steps be taken with faithfulness and with wholehearted devotion, having done all that is good and pleasing in Gods eyes! ~Healing Rain to the Nations
Scripture References: John 8:12, John 11:10, Ephesians 5:2, Deuteronomy 5:33, Deuteronomy 10:12, Proverbs 4:12, 1 John 1:7
Love Note to You
Written by: Sandy Blaser
Dear Child…“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. …From everlasting to everlasting my love is with those who fear me, and my righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep my covenant and remember to obey my precepts. Yes, many are the woes of the wicked, but you will find my unfailing love surrounds the one who puts their complete trust in me.
Listen My Child, I promise you…Place your hope in me and you will find real unfailing love and full redemption. I will shower you with blessings, for I delight in those who put their hope and total trust in My ever abiding love. My Child…I Love YOU!” ~Your Heavenly Father
Healing Rain to the Nations
Scripture references: (Jeremiah 31:3), (Psalm 103:16-18), (Psalm 32:10), (Psalm 130:7), (Psalm 147:11)