Prisoner in My Own Body
Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows… He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities… Our punishment was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed! (Isaiah 53)
Sandy shares her personal story with us below…
After months of excruciating pain and much weight loss, my family physicians had exhausted themselves. It was evident that whatever was invading my body was progressing at a rapid pace. So scared of the unknown, my friends laid my crippled body on pillows in the backseat of their car & we made our way to the University of MissouriHospital for further testing.
September 1991, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, plus 3 Connective Tissue Diseases. The physicians at Missouri U. informed me that RA is a dreadfully painful, crippling disease. (And I will never forget their next words)…“Sorry to say, we don’t know what causes RA, therefore we can only treat the symptoms.” They proceeded to inform me the disease was very aggressive; which left them with only one choice–the strongest RA medication at that time, “Methotrexate”. (Chemotherapy) And along with a drugstore of all colored pills, they also began injecting me full of steroid shots. But the horrendous pain could only be controlled with strong narcotics.
Here I was, within less than a year of the first symptoms, I went from a vivacious young woman to a life of constant suffering and torment from excruciating pain, which had now taken over my whole body. There are no words to express the emotional roller coaster I was on. I cannot begin to describe the brokenness I bore in my heart as I watched my world, as I knew it, gradually drift away. I literally became a prisoner in my own body.
My life became a vicious cycle of problems: complications of one medication led to another and another. At one point I had 4 different Medical Specialists and the results were—a daily regiment of 12 different drugs! For someone who had very seldom taken an aspirin—this was overwhelming to say the least! Believe me I hated taking those drugs with a passion!
With massive drug therapy comes—terrible side effects. My already compromised immune system was being assaulted, which led to a constant battle with infections. But, the real danger was that the drugs also covered up other warning signals, which led me to deaths’ door several times.
Yes, I was alive, but still I had to face the daily challenges of living with RA. Over the years the RA and Connective Tissue diseases continued to aggressively attack my joints and muscles from the top of my head to the tips of my toes! For more than 11 years, I had no alternative but to live on a daily regiment of narcotic painkillers and a multitude of organ damaging prescription drugs. Doctors had no answers, but kept prescribing stronger meds, which included years of anti-inflammatory drugs, Gold Shots and Chemotherapy, plus, massive amounts of Steroids and even drugs used for seizures—you could clearly tell it was trial and error. Problem was—it was my body they were using as a guinea pig!
Simple daily functions were a challenge, such as brushing my teeth, combing my hair, dressing myself, even picking up my own coffee mug. I was at the point where prescription Narcotics were no longer holding the pain level down, therefore tormenting pain continued to surge through my body. My only option — more narcotics, stronger Chemo! What most people don’t realize when they see the TV commercials, the so called “New” drugs for RA are mostly just a revised potion of poison…with a new name!
God provides direction…
In the year of 2000, after 9 years of this nightmare, while in prayer, the Lord clearly instructed me, “Your problem is in your diet.” I began frantically searching for nutritional answers, vitamins and other supplements. At that time there wasn’t much nutrition info out there to glean from. So, I began juicing fruits and veggies, plus, tried some yucky green drink mixes! The modification in my diet did provide more energy, but did zero to relieve the pain and inflammation. My search for nutrition left me bewildered and broke! Therefore, I had no alternative but to continue a daily regiment of drugs.
God sends helpful suggestion…
Relentlessly I cried out to my Lord for relief from excruciating pain & suffering. In the spring of 2002, a dear friend came to me with a suggestion. Remember I had tried everything under the sun and I was so discouraged. But, seeing how she was my Pastor’s wife I said yes, I’ll try your recommendations.
I lifted this plan up to the Lord & prayed. “I know you have the power to take all my suffering away, but for some unknown reason you have chosen the nutritional route. But I understand your plans for me are perfect. Therefore I submit to your will, your way, O Lord”!
I got my life back…
To my amazement, I began having noticeable results! My husband and I began researching more on our own. The results were amazing to say the least! Learning to make healthy choices has literally given my life back! I have undergone a total life style change, which has taken much persistence and great determination on my part. The Lord has led me on a journey that has now enabled me to fight RA totally the natural way! The key is FAITH—And TAKING ACTON in that FAITH—the results are—Astounding!
Indisputably my prayers have been answered! But, this would have never happened if I had not listened to the Lord & taken charge of my own life. Remember this…This approach does not work miracles, but gives my body what it needs to maintain good health, just as God created it! It does require action, time and honest dedication.
Wonderful side effects…
Finally side-effects that I actually like, weight loss, greatly reduced medical expenses, yeah, yeah. And to hear the comments of “My, you’re looking great” does wonders to ones self-esteem!
Therefore, as we freely share with others what we have discovered on this journey to healthy living, it has become a ministry to us. I’m ever so grateful to my dear friend Theressa for pointing me in the right direction. And last but not least, thank you to my wonderful lifetime friend—my faithful-loving Husband. (God only knows where our feet have trod!)
If interested in learning what steps I took, please feel free to contact me below.
In Christ Love ~Sandy Blaser
Faith—is the key to Victory! Never ever give up!
My life became a vicious cycle of problems: complications of one medication led to another and another. At one point I had 4 different Medical Specialists and the results were—a daily regiment of 12 different drugs! For someone who had very seldom taken an aspirin—this was overwhelming to say the least! Believe me I hated taking those drugs with a passion!
With massive drug therapy comes—terrible side effects. My already compromised immune system was being assaulted, which led to a constant battle with infections. But, the real danger was that the drugs also covered up other warning signals, which led me to deaths’ door several times.
Yes, I was alive, but still I had to face the daily challenges of living with RA. Over the years the RA and Connective Tissue diseases continued to aggressively attack my joints and muscles from the top of my head to the tips of my toes! For more than 11 years, I had no alternative but to live on a daily regiment of narcotic painkillers and a multitude of organ damaging prescription drugs. Doctors had no answers, but kept prescribing stronger meds, which included years of anti-inflammatory drugs, Gold Shots and Chemotherapy, plus, massive amounts of Steroids and even drugs used for seizures—you could clearly tell it was trial and error. Problem was—it was my body they were using as a guinea pig!
Simple daily functions were a challenge, such as brushing my teeth, combing my hair, dressing myself, even picking up my own coffee mug. I was at the point where prescription Narcotics were no longer holding the pain level down, therefore tormenting pain continued to surge through my body. My only option — more narcotics, stronger Chemo! What most people don’t realize when they see the TV commercials, the so called “New” drugs for RA are mostly just a revised potion of poison…with a new name!
God provides direction…
In the year of 2000, after 9 years of this nightmare, while in prayer, the Lord clearly instructed me, “Your problem is in your diet.” I began frantically searching for nutritional answers, vitamins and other supplements. At that time there wasn’t much nutrition info out there to glean from. So, I began juicing fruits and veggies, plus, tried some yucky green drink mixes! The modification in my diet did provide more energy, but did zero to relieve the pain and inflammation. My search for nutrition left me bewildered and broke! Therefore, I had no alternative but to continue a daily regiment of drugs.
God sends helpful suggestion…
Relentlessly I cried out to my Lord for relief from excruciating pain & suffering. In the spring of 2002, a dear friend came to me with a suggestion. Remember I had tried everything under the sun and I was so discouraged. But, seeing how she was my Pastor’s wife I said yes, I’ll try your recommendations.
I lifted this plan up to the Lord & prayed. “I know you have the power to take all my suffering away, but for some unknown reason you have chosen the nutritional route. But I understand your plans for me are perfect. Therefore I submit to your will, your way, O Lord”!
I got my life back…
To my amazement, I began having noticeable results! My husband and I began researching more on our own. The results were amazing to say the least! Learning to make healthy choices has literally given my life back! I have undergone a total life style change, which has taken much persistence and great determination on my part. The Lord has led me on a journey that has now enabled me to fight RA totally the natural way! The key is FAITH—And TAKING ACTON in that FAITH—the results are—Astounding!
Indisputably my prayers have been answered! But, this would have never happened if I had not listened to the Lord & taken charge of my own life. Remember this…This approach does not work miracles, but gives my body what it needs to maintain good health, just as God created it! It does require action, time and honest dedication.
Wonderful side effects…
Finally side-effects that I actually like, weight loss, greatly reduced medical expenses, yeah, yeah. And to hear the comments of “My, you’re looking great” does wonders to ones self-esteem!
Therefore, as we freely share with others what we have discovered on this journey to healthy living, it has become a ministry to us. I’m ever so grateful to my dear friend Theressa for pointing me in the right direction. And last but not least, thank you to my wonderful lifetime friend—my faithful-loving Husband. (God only knows where our feet have trod!)
If interested in learning what steps I took, please feel free to contact me below.