Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement

HRN isa 30.15Those Trying Times

Trials and hardships are a part of life.  Each of us experiences them.  Often they arrive without warning and leave us feeling helpless and out of control.

God uses every trial to draw us into a greater dependency upon HIM.  But in order to really know Christ, we must first learn to be absolutely still before Him, even in the midst of troubled times.  For when the Lord is the anchor of our soul then we learn it’s always best to wait upon Him!  Remember, “Peace” is not the absence of adversity or trouble; it is the presence of Jesus in the midst of our situation!  It’s then we find that He is very faithful to give needed strength to overcome any problems in life, both great and small!

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…( Isaiah 30:15) 

Maybe the road of life seems pretty smooth right now, but hang on tight for sooner or later you will hit a big rut and find yourself at your wits end!  When it happens just remember…Draw close to Jesus—He will calm the winds of adversity in your life!  Keep looking to HIM!

~ Healing Rain to the Nations