Seeking “The Healer”
Written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Throughout the years of my journey of silent suffering, I have found God’s Holy Word is Powerful, Tried and True. And yes, God is so very faithful to HIS Promises! Believe me, this is so very important when all else fails you and there is nothing else to cling to!
So if you find yourself in the midst of a faith challenging situation, I encourage you to be quick to run to the Father’s arms. Affirm your trust in His Holy Word and believing He holds your best at heart! Then begin laying down all your thoughts and idea’s about “healing” and surrender to a deep “personal relationship” with Christ.
His Word says “Seek Me, you will find ME, if you seek me with ALL your heart”! So as you cry out to the Lord, take time to listen closely for that still small voice. You will find the Lord is tenderhearted and compassionate and patiently waiting to talk to you….After-all He is very familiar with pain and suffering!
“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53)
Therefore, I encourage you to Worship the Lord in all His grandeur and majesty, for it is so important to let your focus be upon the “Healer”, not the healing!! And when you open your heart and give HIM all authority to be glorified in you and through you…don’t be surprised at what you may experience! As you stand amazed in His presence, you too will find God honors a seeking heart as He begins to reveal His Power and Glory in a special way. For when we approach the Throne of Grace, seeking “The Healer”… Guess What!…..Miracles Happen!!
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)
Jesus is indeed the Great Healer, He is the Great Physician!
May you be abundantly blessed by this beautiful song…. ~San
“Healer” by Kari Jobe
Experiencing God
written by: San, Healing Rain to the Nations
What magnificent beauty our God has created for us to enjoy!!! Pause for just a moment….See the beautiful formation of the clouds as they drift over the jagged Coastal shoreline. See the glistening of sun-rays dancing across the white capped waves. Feel the foaming waves of cool water washing over your feet, as treasures of the deep are washed ashore. Feel the sand between your toes & a cool gentle breeze blowing through your hair! Now listen closely…hear the roaring of the waves & the cry of Seagulls!! You have just experienced HIM!! The whole earth is filled with HIS Magnificent GLORY & Beauty!!
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. (Psalm 65:8)
Just outside your door awaits a world of beauty. Take a leisurely walk and enjoy the morning sunshine or maybe a moonlight stroll in the evening dew. Take note of what you see, hear and feel as God begins revealing Himself through nature. Clear your mind and set your thoughts toward Heaven! Relax, fill your heart with song as you rest in His presence. Take time to experience the JOY & the WONDER of knowing HIM!!
Depending upon where you are at in this big beautiful world…”Good Day/Good Night my Friends”!
Chris Tomlin ~ I Stand In Awe (Lyrics) ft. Nicole Serrano
Send Your Spirit Lord
Zechariah 4:6
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Let the church of the Living God Arise with healing in Her Wings!!! O Lord, stir up and awaken the Spirit within your people! Set our hearts a blaze, radiating Your love and power as a shining Beacon of Light into this darken world! Let your fresh oil and new wine flow over our lives!
For such a time a this…May we arise with courage and boldness as instruments of power, covered by your Divine Grace! Equipped with your Gospel, as chosen Mighty Warriors of the Cross, let us arise, radiantly displaying Your Splendor and Glory! And as we march forth into this land, we ask for Your Holy protection. Prevent any human power from extinguishing The Light and The Truth from going forth!! For nothing is too hard or impossible for those who come in the Mighty Name of JESUS!!
Lord we are in desperate need of You, for we realize it’s…Not by might, Not by Power, but by the spirit of the Lord!! (Zechariah 4:6) Therefore we will not be ruled by fear, but place our faith and trust in our Holy, Righteous God! Lord go before us removing the mountains, melting our enemies like wax, making our way smooth and straight! As we boldly arise to our rightful place, Spirit of the Living God breathe on us….equipping and empower us as Mighty Warriors of the Cross, bringing forth the Light of Divine Revelation to the heart, mind and soul of all men!!! Let us arise with a Holy boldness, ready to shine the love of Christ and speak the Living Words of Truth and Freedom!! O Lord, in awe of You we boldly take our stand, ready to do Thy Will ,…,,Not by might, not by power, Send Your Spirit O Lord!!
My Child, Believe and trust in Me, I have called you out of the darkness into the light …
Walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7)
All for the Glory & Honor to JESUS CHIRST our KING! To Him be glorified!! (Be blessed by this beautiful worship song below) ~San, Healing Rain to the Nations
Tasha Cobbs Leonard – Your Spirit ft. Kierra Sheard
He is a Good Father
written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. (Psalm 118:29)
Thankfulness is birthed when we bow our hearts; as well as our knees…When I call upon His name I find my God is always ready to listen and accept me… just as I am. For a few quiet moments I close my eyes and began opening my heart. God lovingly begins revealing my very soul. Suddenly I sense HIS wonderful love flowing over me. I taste HIS Forgiveness, HIS Grace, HIS Goodness and Mercy, it’s then I know…HE is all I need!
My Friend, no matter where you have been or what you have done, the Lord is always there waiting with open arm’s, eager to forgive, always ready to love you back to His heart! Run to His presence, there you will find love and acceptance and fullness of joy, a bright hope for tomorrow and a reason to live! HE is a good, good Father! Be blessed by this beautiful song….
Casting Crowns – Good Good Father (Live)
Good Morning to all my Lovely Friends!
As I’m setting here enjOying my morning CofFeE and gazing into all the beauty that surrounds me, the Lord begins to bring you to mind. So many of my Friends are facing the impossible and have a desperate cry for prayer.
Today this is my prayer for you….
As you step into this new day I pray your life to be daily devoted to the Will of The Father! Whether it’s a day of sickness or health, work or Church, enjoying family & friends, a time of relaxation or just taking pleasure in God’s created beauty, wherever your feet may trod, I pray your spiritual senses are alert as the Lord reveals HIS TRUTH and LOVE to you in very special ways!
With each new day, may you experience God’s divine revelation as HE tenderly touches your body, spirit, mind and soul, bringing healing, hope & purpose to your life! I pray that with every step you will grow deeper and passionately in love with The Lord!
As your Faith arises, may this become the cry of your heart…O Lord…”Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” (Psalm 143:8)
As you wait upon the Lord to answer your heart’s pleas, I challenge you to seek His face and draw closer to God. Make this a glorious day as you walk in His powerful, loving, comforting presence! With Christ you will be a Victorious Over-Comer!! Listen to this beautiful song……
~San, Healing Rain to the Nations
“Give Me Jesus” by Jeremy Camp
Surrender it all
Did you know You were never meant to carry a heavy load!
The Lord promises to carry all your heartaches and burdens, if only you will trust Him and allow Him to work in your circumstances. He promises He will not permit the godly to slip or fall. He will give clear divine direction …if only you listen. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28) ”Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
So be quick to give your problems, your concerns and cares to the Lord, releasing the weight of it upon His shoulders. As you stand in total submission, the Lord will uphold you and pour over you His amazing love, blessing you with His jOy and sweet peace, even in the midst of it all.
So if you are tired and weary from carrying a heavy load…give it all to Jesus..Surrender it all!! Look to the Lord, confirm your love and trust in Him, you will be amazed at how your faith will arise to new heights and your steps will be made steadfast and sure! Release that heavy load, casting it all upon Jesus. Afterall He has given you His Word….”Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22) and He will never forsake those who seek Him with all their heart….(Psalm 9:10)
Lord have your way in me…I surrender!!
~ Healing rain to the Nations
I Surrender – Hillsong United
Splendor of His Holiness
Worship the Lord in all His splendor and Holiness….“Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain,But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)
God’s word says…”Be Holy for I Am Holy”. He who called you is Holy and Righteous. Did you know…YOU also are called to be holy in all your conduct?? God’s word says…”I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” (Levi 11:44)
Christ’s love for us is greater than anyone can ever imagine! I pray you will set aside a time in your busy day, to tarry before the Cross. There in His magnificent presence, may you begin experiencing HIS powerful liquid love pouring over you. As you touch HIS heart with your prayers, your praise and worship, then your life can be filled with everything beautiful that God has in store for you. For the Lord honors those who call upon Him! He calls you…” Friend”!!
Wishing you a most beautiful day in His magnificent, Holy Presence! ~ Healing Rain to the Nations
“I am a Friend of God” by Phillips Craig & Dean
JoY of My Soul
O Lord, Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalm 25:5)
In Christ alone my soul finds abundant jOy, a peaceful rest, and a blessed hope for all my tomorrows! As I’ve learned to rest in His presence, I have found my Lord so very Faithful. HE is the strength for my weakness, He is the Hope for my heart’s despair and He is the jOy of my weary soul!!! In Christ alone, I have found a fresh breath of New life!I Pray you too will experience the goodness of the Lord!
EnjOy this beautiful song… ~Healing Rain to the Nations
“I’ve Got Joy [Live]” feat. Charlotte Ritchie and The Isaacs
Good Morning Friends, As we step into this a new day, I pray your life to be devoted to the Will of The Father! Whether it’s a day of work, church, enjoying family & friends, a time of relaxation or just taking pleasure in God’s created beauty, wherever your feet may trod, I pray your spiritual senses are alert as the Lord reveals HIS TRUTH and LOVE to you in very special ways!
Every moment we breathe the breath of life, it is a special gift from God. So today… May you began experiencing the Lord’s Divine Revelation as HE tenderly touches your body, spirit, mind and soul…bringing healing, hope & purpose to your life! I pray that with every step of each new day, you will grow deeper and more passionately in love with The Lord! May this become the cry of your heart…”O Lord, Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” (Psalm 143:8)
Posted here is one of the most beautiful songs! Every time I listen to it, it’s so refreshing and up lifting. Nothing like the Presence of God; it’s so unique and special. Click on this link below and listen to this beautiful song….EnjOy! Come on…Step into His presence, making this a grand and Glorious Day! ~San, Healing Rain to the Nations
Your Presence is Heaven to Me… by Israel Houghton