Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement


HRN warrior Bride

“Warrior Bride “

“Faith and Prayer…Both are invisible but they make impossible things …possible.”

I confess…I don’t like all the battle’s I’ve faced along the way, but I admit, I am stronger today for “all” the trials & suffering the Lord has allowed to come my way!

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to (me).” -Romans 8:18

All through the hard times, Prayer’s & God’s Word has proven to be powerful and God’s promises are yes & Amen!!

As I sense a storm brewing on the horizon, I quickly take cover under HIS Wing.  I tarry there at His feet, seeking His very heart, then the Lord faithfully begins to pour His love over me, equipping and dressing me for the battle I may be facing.

At the appointed time, I am strengthened and able to bravely arise from the ash heap as a Warring Bride of Christ!  I arise  giving all Glory & Honor unto HIM, knowing that through Christ my battles are already won!  For you see, I’ve learned to trust HIM, for with each and every step of my journey, HE has graciously provided all I have needed.  He has proven His love to me over and over and strengthened my Faith to become …”unshakable”……. !!

Yes, I have found the Key to overcoming trials & winning battles…When you know who you are in Christ and know where your help MUST come from, then you have all you need to become a “VICTORIOUS WARRIOR”!!

 We will triumph… by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our Testimony; (Revelation 12:10-12)

Wisdom, power and strength are found in the mighty name of JESUS and in Him there is no reason to fear!!  So, quickly run to the Ark of Safety where you will be equipped for battle.  Then pick up your sword and shield and “Arise Mighty Warrior Bride and stand with a Holy Boldness, for your battle belongs to the Lord!!

 (Listen to this powerful song below)  San ~Healing Rain to the Nations


HRN Psalm 34.4

Overcoming Fear

Has fear and doubt come against your mind?  Is your Faith been sorely tried?  Well lift up your eyes, and know help is on the way!

I find it absolutely amazing that “DO NOT be afraid” is in the Bible ‘365’ times—that’s one for each day!  If you are one who struggles with the ‘Spirit of Fear’, then you have allowed yourself to be bound in an emotional prison and that is a miserable place to be! But did you know this?—“Do Not Fear” is not a choice…It is a Command!!!

Through Christ Jesus you have all authority over the enemy!!  So boldly cry out the name of “Jesus”!  The Name above ALL Names makes the enemy run the opposite direction!  When you are tempted to be afraid, quickly take captive of your thoughts; Keep it positive.  Quoting scripture builds your faith and helps you to begin thinking on things that are pure and lovely.

I find that no matter how bad my situation seems to be, there is always something good, some ray of hope in every trial.  Sometimes you just got to search for it!  In doing so, leaves absolutely no room for fear and doubt to settle into your life.  Remember; Christ is WISDOM, so never forget to invite the Lord into your midst.  Where HE is welcomed, He brings with Him Faith, the Spirit of jOy, Peace, Forgiveness, Love and self-control.  It’s all  yours just for the asking….

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  (Joshua 1:9)

 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  (Isaiah 26:3)

~ Healing Rain to the Nations

HRN trust in christ
Who do You Trust?

Yes I admit, at times hardships overwhelm me and life hardly seems worth all its pain and suffering.  And victory over my circumstances begins to seem like a total illusion.   Does this just happen to describe your situation?

In the midst of all the dark moments of life, let’s don’t forget this one thing:  God created us. WE are HIS prize possession and HE desires a personal relationship with us.  So I ask, can we not trust Him to comfort and bring us through even the darkest trials of life??!

Paul understood this when he wrote:  “We should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead”. (2 Corin 1:9)

You see, the Lord understands your pain and knows your deepest cry.  However as we cry out to HIM, it’s at that point we begin to understand what Paul was saying….No way can we trust ourselves for relief; we must rely upon and totally trust in our Sovereign God.

So when you find yourself in the deep muck & mire of life,… with a childlike Faith, lift your eyes and see, not just the Cross, but the “Risen Saviour”!!  Admit to Him exactly how weak you feel.  Ask Him to restore your joy, heal your hurts and give you the faith and the endurance to keep running the race towards the Finish Line!

So I ask you…”Who do you trust?”  Surely, if God can raise the dead, then my situation is NOT impossible!!   (Listen to the words of this beautiful song below by Avalon……)

Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

In Christ Alone…Avalon

(I pray this will be the statement of your heart)

psalm 46.1-2

All my Tomorrow’s

Many things I face in life, I just don’t seem to understand.  And no matter how bad I really want to change things, sometimes I just can’t. It’s out of my control. 

But, this one thing I do know…God has chosen to love me with an unconditional love.  You see, never in my own strength could I live up to God’s standards.  But His love is based not on my performance, but on…His Grace!   And in all my weakness and mistakes, yet He still loves me.  God is my refuge and my strength, my ever-present help in time of need.  I choose to walk by faith and not by sight and cling to the promise that God will never leave me nor forsake me.  And all my tomorrows are hid in the Shadow of His mighty, loving hand. Therefore why should I be afraid??

I pray that you too may experience God’s wonderful Saving, Keeping Grace.   At His feet may you find peace, strength and hope for the future.  May you learn to trust His loving care, allowing the Lord to be in control of all your tomorrow’s.
 ~ San, Healing Rain to the Nations

Be blessed with this beautiful song….

“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow”

HRN Amazing Grace2


‘Amazing Grace’… is a beautiful old hymn that praises God for saving a wretched, sinful soul like me! It is a personal testimony for…”Yes, I was lost but now I’m found, I was blind but now I see!” And it’s all because of God’s Amazing Grace!

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23, 24 NIV).

Some may think of God as nothing but judgmental and vengeful and live their lives in fear of Him. That kind of belief leaves one doubting and afraid, wondering if God has stopped loving you. But God extends to you His Mercy & Grace. Grace is an undeserved favor or gift; the undeserved forgiveness, kindness and mercy that God gives us.

We find the truth in the scriptures: HE is a God of second chances… “Grace” is God’s goodness and mercy lavished upon those who seek forgiveness.

Understand this…Grace is not a license to do evil, but essentially, an escape route for us when we regret having sinned.

Grace has two qualities…

  • Grace is given to us regardless of whether we deserve it or not and
  • Grace is freely given at no cost to you.  You will find Grace freely flows at Calvary where your debt has paid in full!  Just accept it!!

I pray you see the hand of the Lord that is always extended to you, inviting you to come just as you are. COME… to the river that overflows with freedom, love, peace, and calm assurance.  Acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour!  There at the foot of the old rugged Cross you will receive Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness.  There the gift of Eternal Life awaits…all because it is God’s Will that none should perish.

Oh how powerful, how wonderful, how marvelous is…God’s Amazing Grace!

Sandy Garland Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

(Sing the beautiful song with me…click video below)


“Amazing Grace”…Alan Jackson

HRN faith hope love2

A Love that’s Real

In this life we have three great lasting qualities—faith, hope and love.  As a follower of Christ, these three virtues must characterize our lives…But the greatest of these is love.

REAL love begins with this…”Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)

In other words…Study the Holy Bible and keep God’s Word fresh on your minds and don’t feel so intimidated that you can’t talk about God’s Word.  Speak words of life, bringing hope, peace and even joy into an otherwise dire situation.  Care about other’s and be that great example before your Family & Friends…Love the Lord with ALL your heart & let HIS  love radiate through you to the world around you! That kind of real love transforms lives!!

Now go shine HIS love and make it a great day for someone!!!

Now these three remain…faith. hope and love.  but the greatest of these is Love.  (1 Corin 13:13)

¸.•*¨*•♥ ~By Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

HRN Peace

Peace like a River

Are you facing uncontrollable circumstances?   Are you intimidated by others?  Are you weighed down with fear or guilt?  Are you nervous, agitated and disturbed within?   Do you resent those who are happy?

I ask you this question…Have you truly ever embraced the security and love of God’s Grace?

You see…Jesus intends for those who love and follow HIM to live in peace, regardless of how crazy the world may be around you!  Yes indeed the road of life may be rough at times, but one must learn to dodge those deep pot-holes in the road!  Despite what may be going on around us, God’s message simply is this—“STOP trying to make things happen. STOP comparing yourself to others and STOP allowing yourself to be anxious, worried, and upset about things you can’t change!!  This is what the Word says…

Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.  (Psalm 42:5)

In other words this is clearly saying—Look to Jesus!  Put ALL your Hope and trust in the Lord and “WAIT…expectantly” for Him to help!  And while you wait…get your mind off your troubles and”Praise Him”!!!

You will find that if you practice this, then God is so faithful to help you to embrace the wonder of HIS amazing love and give you peace that passes all understanding!  He will even give you faith and confidence to face all your tomorrows!

So the next time you feel troubled and afraid and begin to worry and fret…Remember, God has your best at heart!  So be quick to ask for HIS help!  You will find His Perfect Peace freely flows like a river to all those who love & trust HIM and call upon His Name!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.  (Philippians 4:7)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ~Sandy, Healing Rain to the Nations

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A Simple Trust

There are things that happen in life I may not ever understand. But I have learned this…When I came to the point of fully believing and finally grasped the concept that God is GOD and then began allowing Him to be in absolute control…in ALL situations, then I found myself simply amazed at the difference CHRIST  makes in my life!

So, I give to you a bit of advice…NEVER assume you have ALL the answers! But be quick to run to the ONE who does!

Don’t waste your time in trying to figure out things all on your own, but believe and apply this scripture below to your life. I promise…you too will be pleasantly surprised when you simply learn to trust your Heavenly Father with ALL your heart!…

”Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and HE will make your paths straight”. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

So, if you are tired of doing things all on your own,  I greatly encourage you…. just simply submit all your hopes  and dreams into the mighty hands of the the ONE who created you for HIS Divine purposes!!!  Don’t try to figure out things on your own, just simply surrender to HIS perfect Will and simply trust HIM.  God promises to NEVER fail you!  As a protecting Father, He will always be there to gently guide,  each and every step of the way.   And rather you believe it or not…You are so very loved!!
~San, Healing Rain to the Nations

HRN open arms
Run to His Heart

Written by: Sandy Blaser, HRN

Yes, we know in our hearts that our Heavenly Father knows, hears, sees and cares.  And yes God loves and He faithfully answers prayer. We believe His Word is TRUTH and trust His every promise will be fulfilled. BUT… what if the answer to your cries is “WAIT”??!!  Hummm….Now that’s another story!   “Waiting’ is never easy!  In fact it seems to go against the grain of all mankind!  But believe it or not, when God hit’s the ‘pause’ button, it’s for our own benefit! That also means He is doing something behind the scene that will be well worth the wait.  So, how do you handle waiting upon God’s perfect timetable?

Here’s to the one who is waiting …. If you listen closely for that still small inner voice, you will hear the Lord softly beckoning you to draw closer…..”Run to His heart”!

When God says “Wait” this is a time to really seek His face and take that opportunity to express your dedication, your love and your trust in Him…even when you haven’t seen the answer to your prayers!  This kind of communication with God is building a deeper relationship with Him.

Remember, God loves and honors a surrendered heart.  Just as an earthly Daddy, Our Heavenly Father longs to talk and to share with His children and be a part of their lives.  So, find that quiet place away from anything that’s distracting.  Grab a pen & paper and your Bible and maybe some soft Christian music and find that quiet place where you wait silently upon Him.  His Word says…”Seek Me, You WILL find Me, when you seek me with ALL YOUR heart”.  And it’s there in that secret place; God will begin lavishing His love upon you.  It’s then you will begin to hear that soft but mighty, gentle but powerful, still, small voice of God!!

As the Lord gently draws you into His presence; your spirit will began to soar to new heights as you connect with the very heartbeat of your Heavenly Father.  And it’s there, your Faith is built and  you begin finding the real answers to LIFE!!

God is waiting with open arm’s….RUN to His Heart!!

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

(Jeremiah 29:13)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3)

HRN prov3.5-6

Do You Trust Him??

written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

Have you ever prayed and feel as if your prayers are just hittin’ the ceiling?  Do you feel that God has somehow forgotten?  Do you ever worry, fret or wonder if God really does care?  Have you ever tried to help God out—by giving a little nudge?  Then this is for you…

Our God is Sovereign…Yet He is so personal and loving.  With a powerful voice, God spoke everything into being!  ALL things HE created both great and small, ALL things belong to HIM!  And yes, He’s even chosen YOU and created you in the deep dark recesses.  He even knew you by name before you ever took you first breath!  Wow, He really does care deeply about you, so how could He ever forget you??!!

You see, nothing is hidden from God.  He is all-knowing….He knows everything about your life, both good and not so good, yet His amazing love for you is perfect and complete.  God is infinitely wise.  So next time you are tempted to worry and fret, keep in mind, God is already very familiar with your situation.  Yes, He is a “miracle working” God, but there will be those time’s when His answer to your cries is simply “Wait”!  But believe it or not, sometimes it’s for our own benefit that we must to wait to see the manifestation of our prayers.  But, you can rest assured of this…God desires His best for you!  And when His answer comes, it surely will be worth it all!

So, I ask you…Do you really trust Him… Or are you a “Worry-Wart”??

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

May you be encouraged by this beautiful song…..

“Trust In You”- Lauren Daigle (Lyrics)