Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement

HRN 1 John 4.19

The Cry of the Cross

Written by: Sandy Blaser, Healing Rain to the Nations

The CROSS…a gruesome form of Roman torture and death, which stands at the very heart of Christianity. The Cross is an authentic emblem that represents Christianity.

You see, God so loved that He gave His only Son to die for you. All mankind is born with original sin, which carved an abyss between God and man and nothing but the power of the Cross could reconcile man back to God. The message of the Cross is Holy Love, God’s immeasurable pure and selfless Love for man.

On this beautiful Easter Season…take time to think upon the Cross. Look past the pain and suffering, the nails, thorns, whips, mockery and ridicule. As you’re standing at the foot of the Cross, draw closer and look deeper into heart of the Cross, to the overwhelming passion that drove Jesus Christ to Cross as our Ultimate Supreme Sacrifice.

His overwhelming Love was demonstrated there on the Cross. He released the chains of death that bound you and gave you eternal life.  He brings you out of the darkness into His marvelous light, from despair to hope, from feeling useless to a life having true meaning.  He comes into your heart with perfect love and acceptance…making you a part of His Kingdom!

God Love’s YOU…He died for YOU…He arose for YOU…He saves YOU…He gives eternal life to YOU.  There is NO greater Love!!  As we busily prepare for Easter celebration, take time to set at the foot of the cross.  Be still and listen closely and you too will hear….the cry of the Cross!  No one could ever love you like Jesus!


Chris Tomlin – Nobody Loves Me Like You (Official Music Video)