Worship, Inspiration and Encouragement


He’s All I Need

written by:  Sandy, Healing Rain to the Nations

Just as Abraham, Moses and other biblical heroes, we too face many conflicts in our journey of faith. But one thing we must remember…never let go of our—“Faith”. God is who He says he is & will do what He says He will do. But, faith is not “Faith” until it is exercised! And it is not determined by our circumstances! It is simple act of completely trusting the Lord no matter what you feel, see or hear!! And if we trust in the Lord we can rest assured, anytime God calls us to step in faith, He will always provide the reassurance you need to go forward.

As you face adversities of life, remember these steps that lead to a stronger faith…

• Seek the Lord in Prayer & Worship
• Meditate upon His Word
• Stand firm on His promises

No, we may not have a road map, but we can take comfort in knowing, we serve an all-seeing, all-knowing, loving God who supplies all resources, strength & wisdom that we need for this wonderful “Faith Journey”.

I may not know where the next bend in the road leads, but I do know that God has plans beyond anything we can possibly imagine! And I know HE is all I need!  Enjoy this beautiful song below…

As for me, Deep in my heart I say, “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him”! Lamentations 3:24  

I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back…The world behind me, the Cross before me, NO turning back!!  ~Healing Rain to the Nations


Christ Is Enough – by Hillsong